Countdown to Discovery: The ProjectDiscovery DEF CON 2023 Bounty Program

Countdown to Discovery: The ProjectDiscovery DEF CON 2023 Bounty Program

DEF CON 2023 is quickly approaching, and ProjectDiscovery has been hard at work to bring you a little extra fun for Hacker Summer Camp. There are a few events we’re hosting, from happy hour to a demo of Nuclei, but this blog is about something special. For the next month, we’re asking you, yes you, to help ProjectDiscovery democratize security. All participants have the chance to receive swag for participating, and some participants who go above and beyond will have a chance at some really cool special prizes. Join us in our Countdown to Discovery!

ProjectDiscovery’s GitHub page is full of some of our favorite open source security tools, but of course, we’re a little biased. These tools have been built with members of our community in order to bring security tools to as many people as possible. We receive hundreds of contributions a month and are eternally grateful to our community for help with bugs, templates, documentation, and more. For DEF CON, we’re turning contributing into more than just PRs and issues. Contributing this month means you're a part of our new bounty program for the next month, Countdown to Discovery!

To participate, contribute a solution to any issue with the label `defcon31` in our GitHub. This could be for Nuclei, Naabu, Katana, DNSx, or any other repo in our organization. We’re busy labeling issues that could use your help, so make sure you’re participating in the correct issues labeled `defcon31`. You can also create a new template and use that PR as an entry as well. The best part is that you can get started today! That’s right, we’re not making you wait till DEF CON in August, you can start participating now!

Countdown to Discovery Details

Here’s a short list of some of the prizes available for different levels of participation:

1️⃣ Find us at DEF CON for some unique stickers. There are a few places to see us:

- Follow @pdiscoveryio on Twitter to see what we’re up to!
- Come to our DEF CON Cocktails & Conversations event.
- Check out our DEF CON Demo Lab.

2️⃣ Any template or significant code contribution to a `defcon31` labeled issue will get you a special limited edition T-shirt!

3️⃣ Everyone who participates is entered to win a special grand prize

The Lego Space Shuttle Discovery!
a picture of the box art for the space shuttle discovery lego set. It shows a spaceship made of lego bricks and the lego logo on the bottom left of the box.
The Discovery Lego Set! 

We’re asking that you fill out the registration form after your pull request is submitted so that we can tell that you’re participating. You can find issues labeled `defcon31` in our ProjectDiscovery GitHub page. The order of operations for participation in Countdown to Discovery is below:

  1. Join our Discord! It’s the best place to see the latest releases and news from ProjectDiscovery.
  2. Pick an issue with the `defcon31` label.
  3. Contribute! Create a PR to the project the issue is located in or create and contribute a new Nuclei template.
  4. Once you’ve submitted your PR or template, fill out the registration form and include your PR. We’ll be in touch for prizes and other info.
  5. Doing a second PR or template? Put your name in the registration form again with your new PR!
  6. Want some bonus points and a better chance at winning? Any template submitted for a CVE classified as a KVE, or a submission with a working POC, or a PR fixing a template’s false positives can earn you more chances to win!

If you’re looking for help, check the #defcon31 channel in our Discord. Full details of the event can be found here! We look forward to seeing your PRs and handing out some amazing prizes!!

Thank you for being a part of the Countdown to Discovery.

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